Francisca Topete Vallejo
Doctor of Dental Surgery
Thirty eight years of experience
Born and raised in Los Algodones, B.C., she got her degree at Tijuana, B.C. and traveled to Mexico City for an internship, staying to amass twelve years of work experience before returning to her hometown in 1992. One of her passions is attending international courses and conferences related to her area of expertise.
Certified by:
- Loma Linda University (on implantology and rehabilitation).
- American Academy of Implant Dentistry.
- Asociación Dental Mexicana (Mexican Dental Association)
- Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Los Algodones (Los Algodones’ College of D.D.S.).

Ivonne Rendon Topete
Doctor of Dental Surgery
Thirteen years of experience
UABC Graduate with a Master’s degree in Periodontology. Successfully coursed certification programs on implantology and endodontics.
Certified by:
- Asociación Dental Mexicana (Mexican Dental Association).
- Consejo Mexicano de Certificación en Odontología A.C. (Mexican Board of Certification in Dentistry).

Ana Karen Rendon Topete
Doctor of Dental Surgery
Four years of experience
Certified by:
- UABC Graduated
- Certification program in Endodontics CAO.
Comfortable Facilities

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(928) 415-0495

8am – 4pm

149 4th St between A and B Ave. Los Algodones Mexico